Things of Substance: New & Selected Poems

ISBN: 9781907869761

Format: Paperback, 140 pages,

Available (Published: April 2013)


Book details

Things of Substance brings together poems written over the last six years with selected pieces from earlier publications. It is a substantial new collection of the work of a well-respected prize-winning poet. Cashdan’s work reflects her interest in the connections between words and visual images. The poems respond to place in city and countryside. They also look back in time, delving into family history and beyond, giving voices to people from the past. Liz Cashdan is “a poet who will appeal to lovers of art in all its forms... she enters the mind of the artist with tremendous empathy... we see repeatedly in these poems how she provides a glorious explosion of the senses – sight and touch in particular." Belinda Cooke (Stride magazine)

About the Author

Liz Cashdan is a poet and a teacher. She has published four poetry collections (two shared). The most recent is The Same Country (2006, Five Leaves). Her particular interest is in place and identity, often looking at historical subjects, and giving a voice to characters from the past who would not otherwise have had a voice. She has a degree in History and an MA and PhD in literature. She teaches fiction, travel writing, autobiography; and poetry, which often includes all of these.


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