Just Breathe

ISBN: 9781915434241

Format: Paperback, 56 pages,

Available (Published: December 2024)


Book details

Just Breathe is Trish Kerrison’s first full collection. The poems examine the act of breathing from the viewpoint of a mother whose two eldest sons have a condition where their ability to breathe has slowly decreased over their lifespan to the point where they now fully depend on ventilators. “Just’ breathing is an act we barely think about, yet without which we would not survive. These poems are a raw and frank invitation to the reader to consider the emotional and philosophical effects of watching those you love gradually become unable to do what we all take for granted.

About the Author

Trish Kerrison was a nurse for thirteen years, and after that a Tutor of Adult Literacy. She is also the mother of four children, the eldest two of whom have the condition Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder, primarily found in boys, which causes progressive and life-limiting muscle failure. In 1996, when her sons (then aged two-and-a-half and one) were diagnosed, their prognosis was eighteen years. They are now aged twenty-nine and thirty.


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