If Salt Has Memory: Jewish Exiled Writers

ISBN: 9781905512362

Format: Paperback, 400 pages,

Available (Published: February 2008)


Book details

If Salt Has Memory comprises essays, memoir and fiction by Jewish writers in exile from many lands – contributors include the former leader of the Tupamaros guerrillas in Uruguay, a French philosopher from Tunisia, political activists from Zimbabwe, Iran, Argentina and writers from Yemen, Bosnia, Cuba, Poland and South Africa.

The anthology is particularly strong on Jewish writers in exile from Iraq – several essays are translated from Arabic – Iran and South America.

Contributors include:
Andre Aciman: author of Out of Egypt
Eli Amir: author of Farewell, Baghdad
Ariel Dorfman: writer of the play Death and the Maiden
Moris Farhi: author of Children of the Rainbow
Naim Kattan: author of Farewell Babylon
Sami Michael: author of Trumpet in the Wadi
Gillian Slovo
: author of the Orange Prize short-listed Ice Road
George Szirtes: winner of the TS Eliot prize for poetry
and other writers published internationally

This book is not directly connected to the Holocaust, but reveals another layer of Jewish exile – political and literary refugees from many lands.

About the Author

Jennifer Langer is the organiser of Exiled Writers Ink – the main organisation of refugee writers, based in London. She is the daughter of refugee parents and the editor of three previous Five Leaves collections by refugee and exiled writers.


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