Exploring Nottinghamshire Writers

ISBN: 9781910170359

Format: Paperback, 307 pages,

Available (Published: November 2017)


Book details

Exploring Nottinghamshire Writers is a guide-book to the literary landscape of the region – three centuries and more of writers and the places that inspired them. This limited-edition case-bound book celebrates not only the obvious giants like Byron, Lawrence and Sillitoe, but dozens of others who were best-sellers in their day (Muriel Hine and J.C. Snaith, anybody?) and others whose stories had been forgotten.

Here, then, are more than a hundred Nottinghamshire authors – including a representative selection of those writing today – who together contribute to the rich literary heritage which makes Nottingham and her environs so special and ripe for further exploration!

About the Author

Rowena Edlin-White is Nottingham born and bred, descended from lace-makers, actors, artists and second- hand dealers. She is an author, researcher, performer, small publisher and a compulsive “snapper-up of unconsidered trifles.” For this book she has spent five years ransacking the libraries, bookshops, archives and graveyards of Nottinghamshire to uncover some of the more obscure corners of our literary past – and struck gold!